4 min readJul 18, 2020

The current global strife, due to the corona virus pandemic, is having a serious impact with everybody being compelled to adjust to the changing dynamics of social and interpersonal relationships. This pandemic presents the greatest threat that the world has faced since the Second World War. With majority of the nations in a lockdown mode, a significant aspect to be considered is the effect of COVID-19 on children. Children are not the face of this pandemic however, they risk being among its biggest victims.

Restriction of physical activities and social isolation because of the lockdown is to a greater extent a factor in the mental and physical health of children during this crisis. It has thus become important to take care of their mental, physical and emotional health during this pandemic crisis. Moreover,

Some simple tips to follow during this crisis for a sound health of your children are as follows:

1. Maintain schedules and routines

Keep up a regular schedule to console children in order to promote their physical and mental health. Having a plan and a predictable routine for the day can be very reassuring as children appreciate and value what is going to happen. Providing this sense of security is particularly important during dubious and disrupting conditions. Actively involving them in this process implies they are more likely to embrace it. The routine could be shown using a timeline or possibly pictures and other visuals. Children need structure, so urge them to continue learning, playing, eating and sleeping on the same schedule. Also encourage them to develop independence by alluding to their own plan and arrangement themselves. Being organized and setting up limits can also reap rewards.

2. Keep them connected

Create plans for them to connect and associate with friends or extended family in a safe manner, whether it’s by phone, message or video call. Establish a group Skype, Zoom or Whatsapp video call so that children can still be in contact and talk with their friends. This will have a major effect on their quality of life and help reestablish a sense of normality. Most children are used to seeing their friends throughout the week, so this is extremely significant.

3. Watch your words

At the point when pressures are intense, sometimes we try to place blame or focus our energies on others. Keep in mind that a virus can infect and taint anybody, so avoid making assumptions and conclusions about who might have COVID-19. In addition, be aware of any remarks that other grown-ups are making around your children, clarifying what those remarks mean if they are different from the values you teach.

4. Manage screen time

Limit the amount of screen time focused on COVID-19. A lot of information can lead to unnecessary anxiety and tension. Let your child know that not everything they hear on TV or the internet is precise and tell them you will assist them find factual information as they need it. This will not only reduce their anxiety but yours too. Urge your children to engage in other activities instead.

5. Assign them tasks to do

Keeping children’s minds focused on specific tasks disposes off a great deal of their stress and pressure. You can structure playtime, dole out chores or ask them to create something or anything. Ask them to create art, clean their house or room, thank a caregiver with a note or picture or participate in various activities on social media. Keep their minds focused on an objective and not on things out of their control.

6. Think out of the box

Help children to beat their lockdown blues with online skill development programs which will help them to realize their inherent creative potential. When it comes to online learning, children can customize the learning environment, the learning content itself, the interaction between facilitator, student and the learning content according to individual preferences. This aspect can create more enthusiasm in students towards learning.

The capacity to learn new information or a new skill whenever and wherever you desire offers far more noteworthy open doors for education than ever before. The scope and reach of online education widens to far greater horizons than maybe ever imagined.

Remember, this phase shall pass and we shall overcome it. Till then, everyone needs to be patient and keep the kids upbeat. These are few of the best ways to enable your child manage stress during the lockdown. All of these ways are to help children maintain bonding and be social beings promoting emotional, social and mental growth. These are testing times for each one of us. Hence, empathy as an emotion turns into a prerequisite. The happier the kids, the stronger their immunity.

So, stay safe, stay happy, stay home!

